Knife Crime is any crime that involves a sharp or bladed
instrument and is becoming an increasing concern across the UK
For us to do more, we need to know the size of the problem.
The Cut It Out campaign is in it's infancy and will
continue to grow. Firstly we would like to raise
awareness about proper reporting of knife crime
and to encourage people to share any information about
who may be carrying a knife.
Self-protection is not a defence. If you feel under threat to
the extent you believe it necessary to carry a
knife, there are lots of organisations you can
contact for help and support. Please see the useful links
section. It is never too late to get help.
Merseyside Police take knife crime very seriously
and are committed to tackling the issue. They will
prosecute perpetrators of knife crime and take action against
those carrying knives.
We want you to share any information no matter how small, it may
save a life.
Report to
Merseyside Police
Visit: Merseyside.police.uk
Call: 101, or in an emergency call 999
Social Media: @MerpolCC on Twitter or
Merseyside Police Contact Centre on Facebook
Report anonymously to
Visit: Crimestoppers
UK (page may need to be refreshed once opened).
Call: 0800 555 111
Social Media: @crimestoppers on Facebook or @CrimestoppersUK on