St. Helens Got Talent
Young people in St Helens are invited to take part in a talent competition culminating in a final performance to be held at the Theatre Royal in October.
Riverside Housing and Merseyside Police have joined forces with Safer St Helens Neighbourhood Action Groups, Arena Homes, Morrison and Re-New. to fund the competition, aimed at young people from across the town aged between 11 - 25 years of age.
Young singers, dancers, musicians and performers are invited to apply for auditions to be held at
Grange Valley Youth Club, Clipsley Lane, Haydock WA11 OTT
Saturday 11th September - 10:00am 4:00pm
Birchley St Mary’s Social Club, Trent Road, Billinge, Wigan WN5 7QT
Saturday 25th September - 10:00am 4:00pm
Sunday 26th September - 10:00am 4:00pm
Tanya Marsh is neighbourhood community initiatives officer for

Riverside Housing. She said: This is a great opportunity for youngsters to showcase their talent. We are always keen to encourage healthy competition so that young people can find a positive outlet for their skills and creativity. Im sure everyone will have lots of fun in the process. Application forms are available in two age categories, 11 - 18 and 19-25. Winners from each area will go on to perform at the final event.
Those interested in taking part can collect application forms from local police stations or contact Tanya Marsh at Riverside Housing on 0845 111 0000 or email
Download The Poster opposite for more information and help spread the word!