Cold Calling - Don't Buy it!
Beware of doorstep distraction - residents warned

As winter draws nearer, St Helens Council is spearheading a new
campaign warning of the dangers of doorstep distraction and
uninvited cold callers.
Darker nights can lead to an increase in the number of bogus
callers, offering to fit double-glazing, repair boilers or tidy
But as well as having little or no regard for consumer law - and
possibly charging exorbitant prices for poor quality work - the
callers can sometimes have an even more sinister motive. Using
distraction tactics they may ask to use the toilet or the phone to
gain access while an accomplice keeps the householder busy.
The council's Safer Communities and Trading Standards teams have
joined forces with Merseyside Police, the Citizens Advice Bureau
and security product supplier SmartWater to support National
Consumer Week (12-19 November), which this year has Cold Calling -
Don't Buy it as its theme.
Merseyside Police will be speaking to residents in local
neighbourhoods to promote the use of SmartWater - property-marking
liquid containing a unique code that can be seen under ultraviolet
light - and have produced a video to warn about the dangers of cold
Partner agencies will also be appearing at venues to warn people
about answering their door to cold callers - and to encourage use
of the council's Trader Register - which lists reputable traders
across the borough. To see the full list go to
The sessions take place on:
- Monday 12 November (9am to 12noon) at Central Library.
- Wednesday 14 November 1pm to 4pm) at Eccleston Library
- Thursday 15 November (9am to 12:30pm) at the Hardshaw Centre in
the town centre.
Free stickers will also be given out to residents at the events,
to take home and display in windows and on front doors warning cold
callers to leave and not return. Failure to do so is a criminal
offence. There is also useful information on the inside, including
the Citizens Advice Bureau consumer helpline number (08454 040506)
for those requiring further advice.
St.Helens Council's Cabinet Member for Environmental Protection
and Safer Communities Councillor Richard McCauley said: "Although
distraction burglary isn't a huge problem in St.Helens, as the
nights get longer, winter can bring an increase in door-to-door
sales, some of which might not be all they seem.
"But as well as bogus tradesmen, people should also be on their
guard against seemingly innocuous callers - people claiming to have
lost a ball in your garden, offering to carry out repair work or
pretending to be from a charity, energy company, the council or
even the police."
Suspicious about a caller? Follow these simple steps top
stay safe.
- Always use your spy hole or chain
- Not sure - don't answer the door
- Say NO to anyone selling goods or service
- All electricity' gas and water companies have a doorstep
password scheme - if you haven't already done so - contact them to
set one up
- Do not keep large amounts of money at home, or valuables on
- Report bogus cold callers to Merseyside Police on 101
For more information visit:
Cold-calling don't buy it!