Be the Good Guy - bin it, don't burn it.
The 'Good Guys' will be out in force again this autumn to
ensure a safe, clean bonfire night for St Helens residents.
The award-nominated 'Be the Good Guy' campaign, now in its fifth
year, has helped to steadily reduce anti-social behaviour and
nuisance fires over the bonfire period.
Last year, the campaign saw a 28 per cent reduction in the
number of deliberate anti-social fires and an eight per cent
reduction in anti-social behaviour.
The campaign, one of 11 projects shortlisted for the 2012 Tilley
Awards, is a joint initiative put together by the St.Helens
Community Safety Partnership - which includes St.Helens Council,
Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service, The Probation Service,
residential social landlords and Merseyside Police.
Residents are encouraged to report the build up of combustible
waste and street bonfires to St Helens Council on 01744 676789.
Special teams organised by the Probation Service and St Helens
Council Environmental Protection will then safely dispose of the
St.Helens Council's Cabinet Member for Environmental Protection
and Safer Communities Councillor Richard McCauley said: "No one is
trying to be a killjoy, but street bonfires can be dangerous and
unpredictable - and can often fuel anti-social behaviour and

"We want residents to enjoy bonfire night safely, and are
encouraging everyone to attend organised firework displays. Spark
in the Park takes place on Monday 5 November at Sherdley Park and
will be a truly spectacular night."
Group Manager Chris Case, Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service
district manager for St.Helens, said: "We want to drive down
deliberate, anti-social, nuisance fires during the bonfire period
but we need help from people in the community to do this.
Firefighters are engaging with youths and youth groups in St Helens
delivering bonfire safety messages and water safety messages.
"The firefighters, along with members of the Merseyside Fire
& Rescue Service Prevention Team in St.Helens, are also
liaising with local shops and businesses to highlight the
importance of refuse control and storage of wheelie bins. Wheelie
bins should be stored away from windows and doors and should only
be put out on the day of collection and removed as soon as possible
after collection to a secure location."
The Tilley Awards highlight the best of British crime fighting.
They show how police, councils, charities and the public can work
together to tackle crime locally. Members of the public are
encouraged to vote for their favourite and can do so by visiting
As well as the Good Guy campaign, St.Helens Council's Youth
Service will be hosting a wide range of activities over the
October half-term. The Altru Drama group will also be visiting a
number of secondary schools in St Helens to deliver a theatre
production about anti-social behaviour and the dangers of firework
misuse. .
Good Guy is also supported by local retailers, who
have agreed to limit their sale of fireworks in conjunction with St
Helens Council's Trading Standards team - in a bid to help reduce
firework misuse and anti-social behaviour. Local retailers, Bux's
News, Salasar Stores, Just the Job, Trebaron Garden Centre and
Pound Plus are doing their bit to support the campaign and will be
displaying a Good Guy retailer certificate.
Find out more about the Good
Guy campaign