Saints star Paul tackles Domestic Violence
Saints star Paul Wellens is throwing his weight behind a
campaign to show domestic violence the red card!
![Rsz _saintsdomestic _violence _campaign _(2)[1]](/media/3927/rsz_saintsdomestic_violence_campaign__2__1__500x289.jpg)
St.Helens Council and its Community Safety Partners - who
already sponsor the full back through the Safer St Helens campaign
- have recruited Paul to help front a new initiative called 'Let's
Tackle Domestic Violence Together'
The new drive aims to raise awareness of domestic violence in St
Helens by encouraging people to go online and sign a pledge of
support to end domestic violence and abuse - against women,
children and men.
Over the next month residents who sign the pledge will be
entered into a draw to win one of a number of autographed 'Let's
Tackle Domestic Violence Together' t-shirts by Paul.
The number of domestic-related crimes in St Helens (April
2011-March 2012) totalled 357, while 38 restraining injunction or
non-molestation orders were also granted by the courts
Cabinet Member for Environmental Protection and Safer
Communities Councillor Richard McCauley said: "We're delighted that
Saints are playing a major role in this campaign.
"At least one in four women experience domestic violence in
their lifetime and between one in eight and one in ten women
experience it annually. Less than half of all incidents are
reported to the police, but they still receive one domestic
violence call every minute in the UK."
Paul added: "Domestic abuse isn't just physical. It can be
psychological, sexual, emotional or even financial. It involves a
wide range of abusive and controlling behaviour and can take the
form of threats, harassment, physical attacks, financial control or
emotional abuse.
"It's a crime that cuts across all social, cultural and
religious boundaries and has devastating consequences for victims,
their families and the wider community."
Sign the