Dog Control Orders proposed

St.Helens Council is proposing to introduce two Dog Control Orders to give it greater powers to tackle dog related issues.

The orders relate to dog fouling and keeping dogs on leads when requested to do so.

Since 1997 St Helens Council has been able to issue fixed penalty notices to anyone who has been seen failing to clean up after a dog. In 2006 the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act came into force and this enabled Councils to review their existing procedures for dealing with dog fouling and other dog related issues. The Council is now  proposing new changes to the control of dogs within the borough by introducing two Dog Control Orders.

Says Councillor Richard McCauley, Cabinet Member for Environmental Protection and Safer Communities:  "We recognise that the majority of dog owners are responsible, picking up after their dogs and keeping them under proper control. However, there are a minority who don't and this causes problems that lead to complaints being made to the council.

"The most common complaint is dog fouling In 2011, the council received 493 complaints of dog fouling. Apart from getting dog faeces on our shoes and making the area look unsightly, dog faeces can carry harmful bacteria such as Toxocariasis. The Council also receives complaints regarding dogs which are not kept under control when out in public. Of particular concern are dogs which are allowed to roam freely in cemeteries and across graves. The Council also receives complaints from the public regarding dogs which cause distress and on occasions danger by jumping up at people or running onto roadways."

St Helens Council intends to issue fixed penalty notices to enforce the proposed Control Orders. The payment of £75 will be required if a Fixed Penalty Notice is issued. Failure to pay a Fixed Penalty Notice may result in prosecution with a maximum fine of £1000.

Further details can be seen at  Copies of the proposed Orders and Plan may be seen free of charge from 9.30am to 5.00pm  Mondays to Fridays at:

St Helens Town Hall
Victoria Square
St Helens
WA10 1HE

Or 9.30am - 5.00pm, Mondays - Fridays (Saturday 9.30am - 4.00pm)

Central Library
Victoria Square
St Helens
WA10 1DY

And at all other branch libraries across the Borough during their normal opening hours.

Any representation about or objection to the Orders may be sent or delivered in writing to the Environmental Health Service, 3rd floor Wesley House, Corporation Street, St Helens WA10 1HF or by emailing