Easter fun

Join in the Easter fun as St.Helens Council presents a wide range of action packed activities for all the family.

As well as a funfair there will be egg decorating, Easter bonnet competition, kayaking, raft building and rounders tournament – just part of a package of events.

The fun kicks off on April 9 (1pm – 4pm) at Ashtons Green Allotment in Moorfoot Road, Parr with an Easter Bonanza.   There will be egg decorating, Easter bonnet competition plus Easter games for all the Family.  Tickets are just £1.  Further details from Angie Middlehurst on 07427655280 (miggis7@hotmail.com).

Also on April 9, at the Sankey Valley Country Park, off Blackbrook Road, there will be a charity walk around the area taking in Carr Mill Dam (11am – 5pm.)  The walk is in aid of the Andy Shaw Foundation.  For further details contact David Shaw on 01744 631456 or e mail: drteshaw@yahoo.co.uk

A Wet and Wild kayaking and raft building event will be held in Taylor Park on April 14th and 15th (11am. – 4pm) for young people aged between eight and 17.  Further details are available from Steven Patrick at the council’s youth service on 01744 675647/ e mail: stevenpatrick@blueyonder.co.uk

Ruskin Drive Leisure Centre will host the Pilkington Nat West pre-season Rounders tournament on April 22 between 10.30am and mid afternoon.   Further details from Mrs. J Bailey on 01744 453398 or e mail Jax63@hotmail.co.uk

A Silcock’s funfair will be sited in Sherdley Park between April 27 and May 7.