Violent Crime
There are two types of violent crime. Violence without injury
and violence with injury.
Violence Without Injury
This includes harrassment, malicious communications
and breach of restraining orders. This includes threats made
via social media.
What are we doing to tackle it?
- Raising awareness of potential consequences of offending
- Taking action against offenders and providing
reassurance to victims
Violence With Injury
This includes offences like domestic abuse, gun or knife crime
and general violent assault. An underlying factor in the majority
of incidents is alcohol.
What are we doing to tackle it?
- Raising awareness of the causes and consequences of
violence and how to reduce the risk of offending.
- Provision of knife detection wands to security staff in
the Town Centre bars, to assist in identifying people
carrying knives.
- Ongoing knife test purchase operations.
- Working with Licensees (Designated Premises Supervisors)
and their staff to promote responsible sales of alcohol and
enforcement of licence conditions.
- Providing support to High Risk victims of domestic abuse,
via the IDVA
MARAC process.
- Referring offenders onto compulsory domestic abuse
related programmes whilst under Probation supervision.
- Offereing a place on the HELP programme to those not
necessarily convicted of domestic abuse, but at risk of doing
- Managed very high-risk violent
offenders via Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements
(MAPPA) for alcohol-related crime.

*Community Safety Partners join friends and family of
Len Saunders at the annual Len Banana evening to launch the One Punch Can
Kill campaign.