Legal Consequences
- There is a maximum sentence of four years in prison for
possession of a knife, even if you don't use it,
- You can get a criminal record for carrying a
- Carrying for self defence is not an excuse.
Emotional Consequences
- Your carrying a knife will have an impact on your family and
friends and may also put them at risk,
- No parent or grandparent would want to see their child go to
prison, get hurt or even killed.
Personal Consequences
- The knife may be turned on you,
- Employers may not want to employ somebody with a criminal
- Countries such as USA & Canada do not allow people with
criminal records in.
St Helens Youth Justice Service
St Helens Youth Justice System work with children and young
people aged eight to 18 years who have offended, or are
at risk of offending, and help prevent them getting into
further trouble. The team consists of staff from Police,
Probation Service, Health Service, Education and Social Services.
All will work with young people to help them live a crime-free