Tackling Anti Social Behaviour
In St.Helens we have pledged to tackle all aspects of
anti-social behaviour.
We proactively run a number of seasonal campaigns - stepping up
policing patrols and targeting priority locations at times when
traditionally ASB increases.
We also offer young vulnerable people, who may otherwise be drawn
into anti-social behaviour, the chance to get involved with
positive alternatives, offered by our partner agencies.
If we can resolve a situation without legal action we will.
However, in some situations legal enforcement may be the only
answer and we will not hesitate to take action.
Action we take can include:
Acceptable Behaviour Contracts (ABCs) are
non-legally binding written contracts between the Council, Police
and a person who has behaved anti-socially. Under the contract, it
is agreed that the person should not be involved with certain
specified anti-social acts. They are often used with children and
young people, but can equally be used for adults when a warning has
been unsuccessful in addressing a problem.
Civil Injunction (CI) is a civil order made by
the County Court. Injunctions impose positive requirements as well
and prohibitions on the person who is committing anti-social
behaviour with the aim of putting a stop to the behaviour.
Criminal Behaviour Order (CBO) can be issued by
a court on a person following a conviction of a criminal offence
and where they are known to be engaging in anti-social
behaviour. This order can also impose positive requirements
as well as prohibitions. Breaching this order is a criminal
Dispersal Power this power allows the Police to
order people to leave a designated area when groups are causing or
likely to cause anti-social behaviour in public places for up
to a period of 48 hours. The Police also have the power under
this order to confiscate items from individuals that may be
contributing to the reported behaviour.
Closure of premises associated with nuisance or
disorder is a fast, flexible power available to the
Council or the Police that prevents entry to a building for a
minimum period of three months because the use of it has resulted
in anti-social behaviour. During the time that the property is
closed, it is a criminal offence to remain in or enter the
Community Protection Notice (CPN) the
purpose of the notice is to stop a business, organisation or
person over the age of 16 committing anti-social behaviour which
spoils the community's quality of life. It can be used to deal with
particular on-going problems or nuisances which negatively impact
on or affect the community, by targeting those responsible. It can
cover a wide range of anti-social behaviours and can be used
against a wide range of perpetrators.
Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) is
designed to stop individuals or groups from committing anti-social
behaviour in a public space, by imposing conditions on the use of a
specific area.